We have been searching the internet for information regarding How to Sell a Timeshare and we have found some very conflicting information. There are companies that are recommending resale agents and brokers as sound places to market their ownership for sale, however on closer inspection of the list of companies very few of them offer the marketplace necessary to promote and sell a timeshare interest.

International Exposure Most Important

One of the most important things to take into consideration when selling a timeshare or vacation ownership is “does the company I have been recommended have great traffic”?. It is apparent to us that a lot of companies have very poor traffic flows and owners of shared ownership will not always know this. There websites look OK, however when you make a search through a major search engine like Google they do not appear. It doesn’t matter how good a website looks if no one can find it.

Worldwide Audience to Sell

Timeshare is a worldwide product and clients will look to buy from all over the world. Make sure the resale company targets clients all over the world. This can be checked online through sites that let you search in other countries. Its always a good idea to search as if you are a buyer and see what companies optimize for timeshare buyers. There are many resale companies on the web that are only interested in sellers, these should be avoided.

Take care when choosing a company

What we believe owners should take in to consideration is whether the company they choose has good global internet presence and appears when you make the relevant search to buy the property of product you own. Having a long track record is another good way of deciding on which company to use. I think that just because a company is recommended doesn’t necessarily mean they provide the right platform for your ownership.

When buyers are looking to purchase a timeshare interest one of the questions they ask themselves is “Will I get value for money“. The value proposition is so important to the buyer that when an owner comes to sell timeshare on the secondary market, pricing is the key in most cases.

Buyer perceived value

The buyer will weigh up the options available and compare them to the onsite deal they have been offered. The price will be more competitive than the onsite price, however in some cases the full rights and privileges may not be transferable. These can differ from program to program, and resort to resort, however please find a few examples below: –

  • When buying a Marriott Timeshare Resale the Marriott Reward Points program is non transferable. This is the option to transfer your week into the Hotel Rewards Points program. Do not get this confused with the exchange program Interval International. You ARE able to use this when purchasing on the secondary market.
  • The Anfi del Mar group of timeshares based in the Canary Islands will not transfer there Anfi Vacation Club program when a resale is transferred. The Anfi Vacation Club is a Points based program that allows exchanges through RCI. You can use an independent exchange network like Dial an Exchange, or purchase a cheap week from Anfi and put all resales that you own at that time into the program.
  • One last example is Starwood. If you would like to participate in the StarOptions program you can only buy a resale at the following resorts, Harborside at Atlantis (I and II), Vistana Villages (Bella and Key West phases), Westin Ka’anapali and Westin Ka’anapali North, Westin Kierland Villas and Westin St. John (Hillside phase). These will allow access to the StarOptions program and any other Starwood Resort wont.

Secondary Market Ownership

These are a few examples of the reasons why resale timeshare can be cheaper, however these are not all the reasons. Buyers will consider the the pros and cons of the secondary market and in most cases they can not see the value in buying onsite. The value in buying resale is plan to see. Buy 5 Star luxury vacations and holiday at great destinations worldwide for a fraction of the cost.

If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to provide it.

Categories: Sell my timeshare